Monday, January 7, 2008

Changes you want to make in 2008

I'm not one for making resolutions, but I do have some goals for the next year. Too often, we humans underestimate the big changes we can make in the world, just by smiling more at strangers and practicing random acts of kindness (and the reverse: being a jackass on the road, littering, being inconsiderate...) So, tell us the changes you intend to make, large and small. Here's mine:

1. Be more green (shopping bags/cleaning products)
2. Get in better shape (natch!)
3. Elect a democrat for president!
4. Work on my books
5. Find gainful employment

What's your Top Five?


Lyman said...

1. Lose weight.
2. Try to spend money and save money wisely.
3. Practice more.
4. Write more music.
5. Be a better self-promoter and take advantage of every opportunity coming my way.

KHM said...

1. More green
2. More healthy
3. Find a writing gig that pays
4. More time with husband
5. More fun (esp. w/regard to keeping up with distant family)

Carrie said...

1. Stress Less.
2. Clean less.
3. Read more books that aren't about babies.
4. Eat out less.
5. Pray more.

KHM said...

Am I the only one who has noticed that some of us talk about increasing things they value and others seem to be reducing things they don't? I wonder what we might make of that. I think its entirely perspective---anyone else have thoughts about that?

BT said...

1. Graduate, finally
2. Get a job
3. Finish basement
4. Play my drums
5. Teach my kids more

Special K said...

More what? (:

clterry said...

1. Make it to the gym more
2. Read The Harry Potter series
3. Stress Less
4. Learn how to want to cook more and be better at it.
5. Wear a bikini