Sunday, December 30, 2007

Memories of 2007

Its time once again to bid farewell to another 365-cycle of our lives. If you're anything like me you've experienced a lot of ups, downs, laughter, heartache and fun over the past year. So what are your favorite memories of 2007?

My list:

1. The birth of my son.

2. Our fantastic vacation to Hawaii.

3. Attending Superbowl XLI to root the Colts to victory.

4. Christmas back home in Indiana after some unexpected hardship.

5. Catching a baseball at an Astros game.

What's your Top Five?


KHM said...

1. Milo---and my visit with him in Indy.

2. Solo vacation in Vancouver including visit with George in Seattle(-ish).

3. Vacation with kids, nieces/nephews, whole fam-damily in Tampa.

4. John Mayer concert with Haley...

5. Mullen Movie Night 2007 -- a huge success!

Special K said...

1. Watching my nephew being born.

2. Buying our house!

3. Wrote about half my Nanowrimo novel (both a high and a low).

4. Uncovered some really awesome provenance in my work at the museum.

5. Painting and decorating our house.

Carrie said...

1. Watching Milo grow his first 10 months.

2. Hearing Milo say Mama (although Dada is the word of the week)

3. Maternity leave for 6 long months!

4. Fullfilling my dream of working as a school couselor.

5. Watching Wicked with my mom where we looked at each other after the lights went up at intermission- both our eyes shinning from the excitement.

kbmulder said...

In no particular order:

Visiting with Milo, Carrie & Lyman on three occasions in 2007!

Visiting my niece for Christmas and being there for her 1st birthday.

My college roommate reunion in Tennessee this fall.

Visiting Special K and Mike at their new house.

My brother and sister-in-law moving back to Indiana.