" ... what really matters is what you like, not what you are like... books, records, films -- these things matter."
-Nick Hornby, High Fidelity
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Tom Cruise Movies
Alert cousin CLT sent in the idea to do a Tom Cruise Top Five after the Scientology King paid another visit to Oprah. However mysterious and strange he may appear, that guy has done a bunch of movies - and some of them are even good! So, what're yourTop Five Tom Cruise Movies? (visit IMDB if you need a reminder!)
1. Mission Impossible (the first one is so good!) 2. Top Gun (I watched that movie a hundred times when I was a kid - with ...guess who? Cousin C!) 3. Jerry McGuire (it's cheesy, I know, but I really like it.) 4. Interview with a Vampire 5. Minority Report (great sci-fi movie!)
Its funny you did this today, b/c I have been saying "Negative Ghostrider" all day to people.
I like all of the cheesy ones:
1. Top Gun (I too remember watching this movie with you. Great times!) 2. Cocktail (I really like all of the bar scenes of him making the drinks and good music) 3. Days of Thunder (I just liked it) 4. Rain Man (of course his co-star was awesome) 5. Jerry Maguire (same as K)
1. Far & Away (think I was this one with Special K and Micole in Bloomington. Such a great love story.) 2. Top Gun (so many good lines) 3. Jerry McGuire (another quotable movie) 4. The Firm (was this the 1st John Grisham movie?) 5. Cocktail (just plain fun!)
1. Legend - that's right, find it watch it! 2. Color of Money 3. Outsiders 4. Days of Thunder 5. Taps ...then maybe Topgun because I can make the house shake with the surround sound. BT in Indy
Much like the characters in Hornsby's High Fidelity I think what you like says a lot about you.
Every few days a new Top Five topic will be posted, leave your top five in the comments section of the blog. Leave five and FIVE ONLY, no more, no less. No 'honorable mentions' or anything, such comments will swiftly be deleted! You can however specify in your comments are 'in no particular order'. Feel free to say why you picked each choice, comment on other's lists and leave suggestions for other Top Five topics.
1. Mission Impossible (the first one is so good!)
2. Top Gun (I watched that movie a hundred times when I was a kid - with ...guess who? Cousin C!)
3. Jerry McGuire (it's cheesy, I know, but I really like it.)
4. Interview with a Vampire
5. Minority Report (great sci-fi movie!)
Its funny you did this today, b/c I have been saying "Negative Ghostrider" all day to people.
I like all of the cheesy ones:
1. Top Gun (I too remember watching this movie with you. Great times!)
2. Cocktail (I really like all of the bar scenes of him making the drinks and good music)
3. Days of Thunder (I just liked it)
4. Rain Man (of course his co-star was awesome)
5. Jerry Maguire (same as K)
1. Far & Away (think I was this one with Special K and Micole in Bloomington. Such a great love story.)
2. Top Gun (so many good lines)
3. Jerry McGuire (another quotable movie)
4. The Firm (was this the 1st John Grisham movie?)
5. Cocktail (just plain fun!)
Tom Cruise is dead to me....
I like the Oldies...
1. Legend - that's right, find it watch it!
2. Color of Money
3. Outsiders
4. Days of Thunder
5. Taps
...then maybe Topgun because I can make the house shake with the surround sound.
BT in Indy
1) Legend.
He should have left it at that, so that is just what I'm going to do.
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