Saturday, October 4, 2008

Favorite things about Autumn

I know they're still rocking out 100+ degree temps in LA, but for the rest of us, it's pretty much full-on Autumn. This is my favorite season - and there are a lot of reasons why! What are your top 5 favorite things about Autumn?


Special K said...

In no particular order:
1. Perfect temps for me hover around 65 degrees - bit of a chill in the air, but not freezing yet.
2. Sweaters!
3. My man in a sweater!
4. Crunching leaves underfoot
5. I love the changing colors of the leaves

Lyman said...

Actually, temperatures here plummeted yesterday and we've been overcast and in the 60s. Odd, but pleasantly fall-like. Still, there's not much traditionally autumn about L.A. so I'll really on some Midwestern memories:

1. football season
2. light jackets
3. the smell of burning leaves/campfires
4. Halloween decorations
5. warm apple cider

Special K said...

mmmm.... apple cider.... with whiskey in it... (:

kbmulder said...

1. leaves changing colors
2. fall festivals/brown county
3. hot apple cider
4. crisp evenings
5. persimmon pudding!!!

Jason said...

-Cool weather.
-Jacket season!
-Smell of wood burning from campfires and fireplaces.
-Hayrides at the pumpkin patch.
-Knowing snow is not far off

clterry said...

1. October is my birthday month
2. Changing colors of the leaves (I love driving down a road with a canopy of red and yellow leaves)
3. Halloween-probably my favorite holiday
4. Cooler weather to wear, shorts and a sweatershirt.
5. Campfires

Anonymous said...

1. men in sweaters
2. many opportunities to eat pumpkin-flavored foodstuffs
3. the smell of something burning
4. cat cuddling season begins
5. men. in. sweaters!

Special K said...

I love men in sweaters...